In December 2014, interviewed by the Financial Times, Maurice LEVY, PDG of Publicis invented a new technology: UBERISATION. ” Tout le monde a peur de se faire ubériser et de subir le même sort que les chauffeurs de taxi, subitement concurrencés par les véhicules de tourisme avec chauffeur d’Uber… ” dixit Maurice LEVY. If this new expression has not yet been immortalized by the French Academy, there is a good chance that it will appear in the next edition of the Petit Larousse. In less than 6 months, Ubérisation is now on the lips of all French leaders, economists, trade unionists and politicians.

The accounting profession does not comply with this rule and part of our staff in Geneva has been assigned to it. Of course, it will obviously be a question here in a few weeks at the 70th congress of the Experts-Compables in Paris with the central theme, the Numérique.

In the wake of this annual gathering of law enforcement professionals, let us ask ourselves what Ubérisation could really be at the level of the Expert-Computers?

Because too often in your profession, this phenomenon of sudden and violent competition is only associated with the emergence of online accounting and more generally with the so-called Low Cost offers.

It is not an article on the location of the profession that cites only the famous online cabinet ECL Direct as an example. But beyond the Low Cost, Ubérisation is also :
“Collaborative “,
– “Désintermédiation”,
“Révolution sociale”,
“Vecteur de satisfaction “.

Overview of real, potential or future threats through 5 hypotheses.

Hypothesis N°1 – A collaborative economy

The multiplication of the forms of networking has given rise to a new, so-called collaborative and sometimes solidarity-based economy. For a few dizaines of euros, I lend my services as a handyman, chauffeur, cook… I rent my apartment, my tonneuse or my car.

After the individuals, this phenomenon now touches the world of business, where everyone can be their own boss or leave their end of the month while remaining salaried.

The business rate of this new economy should be multiplied by 25 a few decades after PwC to exceed 300 billion euros. On ne peut donc pas parler de phénomène de mode ou passager !

Of course, all methods are untouched, because many remain protected by their regulations.

This is the case of the accounting which cannot be carried out for the company’s account on an independent basis. Even if many accountants opt out of this regulation, it remains a “circular” phenomenon.

If a company circumvents the law by imagining a “cunning” legal set-up (this is the case, for example, of Ornikar for car schools and obviously Uber for taxis), or if, more simply, an extension of the regulation authorises the keeping of accounts by “bookkeepers”, it seems likely that we will see thousands of offers of low-cost tenancy services.

Many experts and accountants claim to be prepared, but it is not certain that they can measure the real impact.

Hypothesis N°2 – A disruption of the client relationship

Today, your customers are digitized (tablet, smartphone,…) and receive directly online accounting and management software offers. They offer you management tools and useful offers to manage your company.

A direct access is often proposed to the expert-computer who becomes a de facto “guest” of the platform. Its influence is inevitably felt.

Imagine, for example, that your client’s store solder is out of stock. The platform immediately offers him your customer creation recovery service. By keeping your hands on the management of your customers, these forms can multiply services and additional products to infinity!… “For 12€ more per month, access to this or that service…”.

And why not pay or legal offers (online statuses…).

Contrary to hypothesis 1, the challenge is no longer at the level of accounting but rather on management support and, more generally, full services as defined by the Order of Expert Accountants (management consultancy, financing, assurance, investments, etc.).

Or everyone knows that, tomorrow, the margins will be rebuilt with these services… not with the bile. When choosing collaborative tools, expert accountants should ask their IT provider to “sell directly” to companies. The cabinet must have the mastery of the client relationship when it has played the role of prescriber!

Les gros cabinets l’ont bien compris. A commencer par In Extenso avec le racha