If you have a company with no activity, you should be aware that because you have an activity you are not exempt from filing Corporation Tax and Annual Accounts.

The first thing to do is to inform the tax authorities of the company’s inactivity by means of the census declaration, so as not to be obliged to complete any other tax formalities except for corporation tax. The mere fact that the tax has a zero quota or with a negative result because there is no activity, does not exempt from the obligation to file it.

If you do not file your corporation tax returns, you may be penalised by the Inland Revenue for not complying with your tax obligations, the amount of the penalties being as follows:

  • Submission after the deadline without request 100€.
  • Late submission with request 200€.
  • Failure to comply with the first request 150 €.
  • Failure to comply with the second request 300€.


The Mercantile Register also has the power to sanction the failure to deposit the annual accounts, which must be presented within one month of the General Meeting, which in turn must be held within the first six months of the year.